FAQ / Paramétrage de la solution

What is repricing software?

Repricing software allows a seller to update their inventory prices instantly and automatically, on multiple channels with customized prices for each channel. Repricing is at the heat of any seller strategy. 


Why does Market Repricer offer the best adjustment response time on the market? 

All the repricing solutions on the market are connected by API (Application Programming Interface) to one or more marketplaces that have technical constraints affecting the speed of price updates. 

Market Repricer is based on an intelligent algorithm that makes it possible to adjust your prices across connected marketplaces every 5 minutes.

On Amazon, Market Repricer is almost instantaneous! As soon as a competitor changes its price, the software receives a real time notification from the marketplace, and can apply a new pricing, giving you the best chances of getting the Buy Box.

Application settings

It only takes a few minutes to connect Market Repricer to your marketplaces. Time to integrate your offers may vary depending on the number of products you have on each of your marketplace accounts.

To automatically adjust the price of your products based on the competition, you need to set up in Market Repricer:

1 – The minimum/floor and maximum/ceiling price limits beyond which you don’t want to sell your products

  • in bulk: you can export a CSV fille including the price limits (minimum and maximum prices) to be applied to your products, then reimport it in a few clicks with the appropriate values,
  • by product: you can also edit the price limits directly on Market Repricer.
2 – The spread to apply to reprice your products based on the cheapest competitor
Market Repricer vous propose de définir un écart de prix à utiliser (pour repositionner le prix de vos produits par rapport au concurrent le moins cher) :
  • applicable to all marketplaces at once (using the Settings menu),
  • or specific to one or more marketplaces in particular (using the menu My market places Accounts > (Account choice) > Edit (feature available in the list in the last column).

You can master all the features of the tools in a few hours. 

Market Repricer has been designed to simplify and automate your repricing on all you marketplace channels!

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